Organizational memberships

GI e.V.

GI - Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Information technology has its place in everyday's life, and the number of complexity of systems doesn't get any smaller. Thus, a social (or societal) aspect is needed. The connection between academic world, economy and private interests is stressed here.
Member since 02/2003
Note: My membership explicitely disagrees with the council's opinion on software patents and requires the council to change its position towards the one of the majority of the GI members.


FFII - Förderverein für eine Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur e.V.
The growing danger of software patents in Europe, software component incompatibilities and information lock-in needs some serious counter-force. By supporting FFII, a free information culture is encouraged.
Member since 06/2003
Activities include fighting against software patents


KDE - K Desktop Environment e.V.
Adoption of free desktops is a very important task in today's IT world. Coding alone does half of the job, but persuading people and doing promotion work also has to be done. KDE e.V. is the legal entity behind KDE and very important to speed up adoption of all KDE software.
Member since 08/2003, involved with KDE since 1999
Activities include booth staffing and coding :)

Informal memberships


LUG-DD - Linux User Group Dresden
While once joining to learn facts and tricks about an interesting operating system, even more interesting internal and external events make this group a nice bunch of people.
Member since 04/2000
Activities include LinuxInfoTag Dresden and our Comtec booth

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