Data Structures
There will be an array of game_t
structures on the server. This array will be initialized at
startup, and may be changed when dynamic loading of new game
modules occurs. The index into this array is referred to as
the game type index.
game_t {
str: short string for name of game (16 chars?)
str: long string for description (256 chars?)
fnc: pointer to function for launching game
chr: allowable player numbers (2^num)
chr: allow computer players (1 for yes)
int: sizeof options struct in bytes
chr: enabled flag (1 if playing this game is enabled)
There will be an array of game_run_t
structures representing running games, This array will be
dynamic since as games are started and finished, entries in
the array are created and destroyed. The index into this
array is referred to as the game index.
game_run_t {
int: game type index
int: number of player slots
*int: array of player codes for registered players
chr: play/wait flag (0 if waiting for players, 1 if playing)
int: process or thread ID
*void: pointer to options struct for this game
*int: array of player codes for reservations
int: number of open player slots
int: file descriptor for communication
chr: computer players (2^num)
There will also be a large array of
user_t structures, representing connected
users. As soon as a user connects, an entry is created and
the file descriptor filled in. When the user completes the
login process, the user code and name are filled in. When the
user launches, or joins a game, the game index is filled in.
user_t {
int: user code (unique user id number)
str: user name
int: file descriptor for communication
int: game index
An array of reservation_t structures
holds all of the reservations requested. These are created
when a game is launched with reservation requests. They may
be altered once the game has been launched. They are deleted
when a user accepts a reservation or declines it.
reservation_t {
int: game index
int: user code
The server options are stored in a Options
structure. This holds many run-time configurable options.
Note: Not all of these options are implemented
at this current time.
Options {
str: Name of configuration file specified in --file
chr: remove_users
int: User inactivity time
chr: clear_stats
int: stat_clr_time
int: TCP/IP port to use for communications
str: Directory in which game description files are found
str: tmp_dir
str: The base configuration directory
str: The server admin's name
str: The server admin's email address
int: Whether to perform hostname lookups for log files
A chat room is implemented internally in a
RoomStruct. These are stored in a run-time
allocated array as needed. Hopefully this will allow on-the-fly
room creation in the future.
RoomStruct {
str: Short room name
str: Long room description
int: Number of players in room
int: Maximum number of players allowed in this room
int: Number of active tables in room
int: Maximum number of active tables in room
int: The game type this room hosts
time_t: A timestamp when the player list last changed
time_t: A timestamp when the table list last changed
*int: An array of player indices (players in room)
*int: An array of table indices
*ChatItemStruct: The tail of a linked list of chat for this room
Chat messages are implemented as a set of linked lists, one per
chat room. The chat room itself points to the tail of the linked
list so that chats may easily be tacked onto the end. Each player
has a pointer to their head of the chain, which is the next message
they expect to receive. A ChatItem is stored
as follows:
ChatItem {
int: Number of players who have not read this chat
str: The name of the sender of this chat
str: The message itself
*ChatItem: The next message in the linked list
The message of the day is stored internally in a
MOTDInfo structure. It is read at system
initialization and will not change dynamically (at least yet).
MOTDInfo {
str: Filename where MOTD is found
chr: Whether to utilize the MOTD (bool)
ulong: Time the server started up (used to calc uptime)
int: Number of lines in MOTD file
*str: An array of MOTD text lines
str: The server's hostname
str: The server's system name (eg: Linux)
str: The server's CPU identifier - this is not strictly accurate
and depends on who compiled the kernel
str: The port number the server is using
Logfile options are stored separately from the main server
options in a LogInfo structure:
LogInfo {
int: Have log files been initialized? If no, we emit to stdout/err
int: Which syslog facility to use
uint: A bitmap of options (see err_func.h)
str: Filename for logfile (if not syslog)
*FILE: Stream for logfile
uint: Log types to include in logs (see err_func.h)
** The following are only included if debug is on **
chr: A flag to note that debug level was set on command line
str: Filename for debug file (if not syslog)
*FILE: Stream for debug file
uint: Debug types to include in logs (see err_func.h)